Monday, December 7, 2015

SANLAKAS Bukidnon Chapter All-Leaders Assembly SUCCESSFUL!

December 2, 2015

Key Leaders from all the cities and municipalities of Bukidnon representing different IP tribes, sectors and organizations gathered together in a province-wide SANLAKAS Assembly at Quadra D'stable Eco Resort, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

During the local sitationer, the main issue within the Bukidnon areas where the participants are situated was about ancestral domain which produced chains of different problems. Behind it was a huge influence of settlers and investors who entered the areas. Christian interventions were also present not only in Bukidnon but also neighboring areas. Harassments including putting bounty on the heads of those who resist, using military and government agencies were the instruments in taking lands from the Lumads.  Because of these, the Lumads became slaves in their own lands. There were also influences of rebel returnees and other fanatic groups. Another issue is the monopoly of elite groups within the areas which resulted to harassment and other human rights violations including mining and water problems. Therefore, there is a need to unite forces to overcome the situations. 

Some photos taken during the Assembly of Sanlakas Bukidnon Chapter held last Dec. 2, 2015.

Sanlakas nominee Mr. Roldan R. Gonzales (on white at left) poses with the Sanlakas Leaders of Bukidnon.
In the planning, the leaders first elect their Chapter Officers who are as follows:

President: Datu Saliot
Secretary: Emma Tundag
Treasurer: Datu Salahag
Auditor: Datu Alim

4 VPs (1 VP per district):
1st District: Datu Makabulig
2nd District: Narcisso Boreros
3rd District: Lida Carbon
4th District: Datu Kainsaan

Provincial Electoral Committee:

1. Datu Saliot
2. Datu Makabulig
3. Narcisso Boreros
4. Lida Carbon
5. Datu Kainsaan

By December 2015 to January 2016, municipal chapters would be established.

Mr. Gonzales speaks in front of the various sectoral leaders of Bukidnon during the Sanlakas All Leaders Assembly.

The leaders raised their first during the All Leaders Assembly held in Bukidnon last Dec. 2, 2015.
Mr. Roldan Gonzales, presented SANLAKAS National Update, platform and resolutions. Part of his discussion was the policies upheld by SANLAKAS such as the wage increase, Labor code amendments, People’s survival Fund, NCCAP and DRRM, AMMB, Scrap VAT and EVAT, Trash Cybercrime Law, RH Law, FOI, Prevent the passage of Anti-terror bill, Anti-torture law and Salary increase for teachers and government employees.

Inspirational Message was given by Fr. Dadz Tabios. He said that the Lumads should claim back the lands which were rightfully theirs from the beginning and relive their lost culture and tradition. Despite the struggles including false democratic government, he was thankful that there’s still sense of cooperation remaining in the hearts of the people.

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