Monday, October 19, 2015


It is a national COALITION composed of
sectoral and people’s organizations united in
the struggle for social change.

In 1998 until 2004, SANLAKAS has been
engaged in the legislative arena as a PARTY
LIST ORGANIZATION representing the
marginalized sectors in congress, articulating
their perspective and initiating actions to
ensure that national laws and policies will
serve their best interest.

By making the most of every possible
opportunity to promote the people’s agenda
and engaging the various stakeholders in
every possible venue- from the ‘parliament
of the street‘, to the House of Representative,
up to the Supreme Court – SANLAKAS has
made its presence felt.

It has carved its own niche in the national
political landscape as staunch advocates for
the promotion of human rights and social

SANLAKAS shares every Filipino’s dream of
a peaceful, progressive and democratic
nation, where every person regardless of age,
gender, ethnic, cultural, social, political and
economic background:

􀂾 Has a fair chance of ensuring that
they and their families will have jobs
and reliable means of securing
resources that will enable them to
put food on the table, send their
children to school, seek appropriate
health care services where needed,
live in decent affordable housing and
clean, safe, and secure communities.

􀂾 Has the opportunity to participate in
community development efforts that
foster self-reliance and collaboration
as well as empower citizens to build
a genuine ‘people powered’
democracy from the grassroots up to
the national levels of government.

􀂾 Has access to the full measure of
legal protection through the fair and
consistent enforcement of propeople

􀂾 Has reason to hope that the goal of
an improved overall quality of life can
be attained TODAY rather than in
some uncertain future, and can be
had by all Filipinos rather than just
the few who own the wealth and rule
the land.

SANLAKAS shares our people’s vision and
believes that to uphold social justice, to
protect and promote human rights we must
dismantle all forms of exploitative political,
economic, social and cultural barriers such

The exclusion of workers, farmers,
fisher folk, the urban and rural poor from
crucial policy and decision-making processes
and governance structures.

The exploitation and oppression of
women at home, in the workplace, the media
and other socio-cultural contexts;
discrimination against gays and lesbians and
other individuals by virtue of their sexual

For more information: you may contact
us at SANLAKAS Headquarters at
(02)4159400 or visit us at 115-D
Roosevelt Avenue, Brgy. Paraiso,
District 1, Quezon City, Philippines.
Or visit our facebook account: http://
Former Sanlakas Rep. JV Bautista.

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